My name is Kip and I have spent my career helping people save money on their mortgages. Over the years I have talked with many people about how to save money both with their mortgage and in their everyday lives. Now I am bringing my years of knowledge to you. Each week I will bring you a new money saving tip to help you keep more of your hard earned dollars in your pocket. Tune in weekly and if you or anyone you know needs help financing or refinancing your Wisconsin home please contact me.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Money Saving Minute #002
The 30 Day Rule
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Some things we need to buy and other things we want to buy.  First decide which are needs and which are wants.  Second, be careful not to over justify wants as needs.  Ask yourself if you can live without the purchase for thirty days or if it's absolutely nessessary that you have it right now.  Take the wants and put them on a thirty day list.  Consider this kind of a cooling off period.  Quite often you will find that the urge to buy has passed once you reach the thirty day mark and you will have saved yourself some money.  This will also give you time to consider how to pay for your purchase.  Often times when we want something and we want it now we slap down the plastic and figure out how to pay for it later.

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