How are you at budgeting your finances? Budgeting doesn't mean giving up what you enjoy, it means knowing where you money is going. Click play to learn more or read the text from the video below.
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Money saving minute #006: Your Household & Personal Budgets (text from video)
Some people are very good at budgeting yet others need a little help. Either way, having a budget in writing is helpful. Below this video is a link to download an Excel workbook to help put your personal budget in writing.
Some people are very good at budgeting yet others need a little help. Either way, having a budget in writing is helpful. Below this video is a link to download an Excel workbook to help put your personal budget in writing.
For those of you that are good at working with a budget this workbook will help you stay on track. It will also help you achieve your saving goals by helping you track where you money is going. Also, when two or more people are working within the same budget having a spreadsheet like this set up will help to avoid those little misunderstandings that lead to money arguments.
For those that are not so good at budgeting, or those that are confused as to how to start a budget, let’s talk budgeting 101. Budgeting does not mean going without. Budgeting simply means knowing where you money is going.

This has been money saving minute number zero zero six. It’s your cash and watching the The Money Saving Minute each week will help you keep more of it. Click to the right to subscribe so you don’t miss any money saving tips and click the facebook button below to share this with your friends.
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