My name is Kip and I have spent my career helping people save money on their mortgages. Over the years I have talked with many people about how to save money both with their mortgage and in their everyday lives. Now I am bringing my years of knowledge to you. Each week I will bring you a new money saving tip to help you keep more of your hard earned dollars in your pocket. Tune in weekly and if you or anyone you know needs help financing or refinancing your Wisconsin home please contact me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Online Coupons

Do you use online coupons? There are so many sites that offer online coupons but so far I have only found one that I like. I could use your feedback. After watching the video please tell me about any experience that you have had printing and using online coupons in the comment section below. I hope you enjoy this short video and if you know anyone that needs help saving money on their mortgage or help with a purchase loan please contact me.


Money Saving Minute number zero one six – online coupons
In this edition of The Money Saving Minute we are going to talk about online coupons and how to avoid the spam that goes with them.  Toward the end of the segment there is a question that maybe you could help answer. 

Coupons save shoppers over four and a half billion dollars annually.  Traditionally consumers have received their coupons in the mail, hunted through the local paper or found coupons at the store.  In the mid 90’s some manufacturers began offering digital coupons online.  It didn’t take long for before counterfeit coupons were being made and retails put an end to accepting home printed coupons.  Today, thanks to new printing technology and security codes, coupons are once again available online and being accepted by retailers . . . but they generally come at a price. 

To receive most digital coupons an email address is asked for and let’s face it, thirty cents off on dish detergent is just not worth the spam that will follow.  The Money Saving Minute suggestion is to set up a new Gmail account that you only use for coupons.  When setting up your new Gmail, don’t bother filling in all of the personal information such as phone number and current email address.  Also be sure to uncheck the set Google as my home page as well as Google may use my personal information boxes.  Do, however, remember your password as some coupon sites will email the print link to you. 

There are two ways to find coupons online.  One is to go to your favorite search engine, such as Google, and simply type in what you are looking for.  The other is to go to a site dedicated to coupons such as coupons dot com.  Coupons dot com is unique because they don’t require a membership or your email but they do require the download their print software.  One of the steps when installing their software will ask about installing a toolbar.  Be sure to uncheck this box so that the toolbar is not added to your browser. 
There are many sites similar to coupons dot com and I would like to find the best ones.  Have you used coupon website?  In the comment section below please tell me which site you have used and if your experience was a good one.

By the way, do you know which company was the first to use coupons…

This has been money saving minute number zero one six.  It’s your money and watching the MSM every week will help you keep more of it.  Click to the right to subscribe, click below to share with friend and tell us about your online coupon experience in the comments section.

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