My name is Kip and I have spent my career helping people save money on their mortgages. Over the years I have talked with many people about how to save money both with their mortgage and in their everyday lives. Now I am bringing my years of knowledge to you. Each week I will bring you a new money saving tip to help you keep more of your hard earned dollars in your pocket. Tune in weekly and if you or anyone you know needs help financing or refinancing your Wisconsin home please contact me.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Slow Cooked Truth

Money Saving Minute #025: The Slow Cooked Truth.  The average American eats out five times a week.  After a long day it's just too easy to stop and pick up dinner vs standing in the kitchen for an hour cooking for the family.  But there is an alternative.  Check out this weeks video and see how you could save your family money (and calories) but not spend all that time in the kitchen at the end of the day.  By the way, I read a report this week that said that home prices have bottomed out.  If you know anyone that is thinking about buying but is waiting for the "right time", have them call me.  I would be more than happy to share this information with them.  And remember, home buying starts with the loan.  Call me today to get preapproved.


Text From Video

Money Saving Minute #025 - The Slow Cooked Truth

If you have been waiting for home prices to bottom out before you pull the trigger, now is the time to act.  The B H V I Home Affordability Index is reporting that home prices have bottomed out and are beginning to rise.  Buying a home starts with the loan.  Call today to get preapproved.

Raise your hand if you are the person that comes home after a long day and enjoys spending the next sixty plus minutes cooking dinner.  

That must be why average American eats out five plus times each week.  For a family of four this can really add up both the cash and the calories.  

A money and calorie saving alternative is to dust off the slow cooker and start searching the net for recipes.  With a quick search I found recipes for lasagna, ribs, sweet and sour pork, white chicken chili and a whole lot more.  Most of these have prep times of only five to fifteen minutes and cost per serving as little as a couple of dollars.

If your slow cooker is not equipped with a timer consider using a programmable light timer.  This will ensure that your dinner is ready when you walk in the door but not over cooked.

This has been Money Saving Minute number zero two five, it’s your money and watching the Money Saving Minute each week will help you keep more of it.  Subscribe to the right, share below and as always your comments are welcomed.


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